What do you need to know when you start or do business in Kazakhstan?
Being a young developing country, Kazakhstan is an appealing investment market with striking potential for growth.
It is simple to register a legal entity and start a business in Kazakhstan. However, imperfect and constantly changing legislation of Kazakhstan comes laden with certain difficulties and risks that every company is important to know about.
Specifically, it is complicated to keep track of changes in the tax legislation and make business decisions under such an unstable tax regime. If one looks at Russian or Kazakhstani practice, then misapplication or misrepresentation of the Tax Legislation Regulations can lead the business to astronomical and sometimes even excessive fines and penalties, which may put in jeopardy the further growth and development of the company.
Our experts will help you to understand and resolve these issues. Therefore, you can concentrate all your strength and resources on the development of the core activities of your business.