Reconstruction of Tax Accounting, preparation and submission of tax reporting.
The reconstruction of tax accounting is made on the basis of accounting data, provided by the accounting department of the client or after the procedure for the reconstruction of financial accounting by employees of our company.
The procedure for reconstruction of tax accounting includes the following stages:
review of accounting information and identification of potential tax liabilities that have not been previously considered;
verification of the correctness and completeness of accrual, transfer of taxes and the formation of accounting transactions on the amounts of accrued taxes and compulsory payments based on the data from account books and reports;
comparison of submitted tax reports with the verified amounts of taxes and payments and, if necessary, preparation and submission of additional tax reporting;
after checking the calculation and transfer of current tax liabilities for each taxable year, on the basis of the accounting data provided, the Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Declaration is checked and, if applicable, drawn up. In case of divergence recognition, an additional CIT declaration is prepared and submitted for the amount of divergences.
receipt by the Tax Committee of a reconciliation report with verified amounts of taxes and payments to the budget.